Wednesday 29 April 2015

Share the Road

Yesterday we had some visitors from the Share the Programme to teach us about how to be safe around trucks. We learnt that there are many blind spots on a truck where a truck driver won't be able to see us. We learnt a little saying to help us: Be safe, Be seen! We also got to sit in the truck and to beep its horn. Madina enjoyed beeping the horn so much that the Tall Poppies had to come out and see what was going on.

Thanks so much for visiting us at Tauriko School!


  1. Wowe! What a cool way to learn about trucks and safety!
    Abigail's mum :-)

  2. Great to see our little ones learning about being safe around big trucks & buses. Looks like they had fun too!
    Michelle - Tahlia's Mum
