Monday 30 May 2016

Using adjectives to describe...

In writing we are learning how to write a description. 

We have just learnt that adjectives describe the noun (the person, place or thing). 

What adjectives can you use to describe the monster below? 


  1. big yellow toes

  2. Room 12 love using adjectives to describe nouns. Here are some of ours.

    Ava - Fluffy hair
    Jorja - Stripy legs
    Shelby - Big, yellow toes.
    Zurich - Big, hairy, blue monster.
    Asher - Creepy eyes.
    Taite - Sharp teeth.
    Kobe - Blue fur.
    Pippa - Bright yellow toe nails.
    Drew - Bright blue fur.
    Jayke - Long, bright blue fur.
    Cheyenne - Friendly smile.
    Amber - Scruffy fur.
    Tyler - Big and hairy.
