Monday 7 March 2016

Room 4's Special Visitors

Room 4 got some butterflies and they are ready to fly. 
By Cleo

Butterflies hatch out of the chrysalis. Then beautiful butterflies fly away. 
By Jefferson

We have butterflies in Room Four and the butterflies are orange and black. 
By Brie

The butterflies wings moved. They got ready to fly. 
By Amani-Rose

I saw butterflies at school. They are Monarch butterflies. 
By Zoe

Write one word in the comments to describe the butterflies. 


  1. Did you know that a Monarch butterfly can travel nearly 4000km in its lifetime - that is like flying from the top of NZ to the very bottom 2 and a half times!!
    (That's a lot more than one word!!)
    by Catherine (Abigail's Mum)

  2. We liked watching them at home to.
    From Jorja
